Well, if you know me, you know I LOVE Turbokick. Turbokick is a class I started taking at 24 hour fitness back when I was 19. Ahem, that was 8 years ago. It is my favorite class at the gym! When I was 21 I used to take a 5:30 am class at my gym and one morning my instructor was being watched by a manager, I assume. After the class, the manager approached me and gave me her card. She told me my form and energy were great and 24 hour fitness was having a training in a couple of weeks and that I should consider it. I thanked her for the information and I though about it. I thought, well, sine I am doing the class anyway, I might as well get paid for it right? So, I thought I would do it, but when the day came, I realized I had another engagement on that day, so I missed it. I have done turbokick on and off at the gym ever since.
Then last August, I weighed myself and when I saw that I had gained 25 lbs since I got married (in less than a year), I made a serious choice to lose weight. I started going back to the gym which of course meant gong back to my turbokick class because it was a high intensity work out and so much fun!
Sometime a few months after, I was introduced to a company called
Beachbody. Beachbody is the company that is responsible for making workout videos such as the popular
P90X &
Insanity. As I did research on Beachbody, I became a club member so I could discounts. I also found some products from Chalene Johnson. And as I did research on her I found that she was the inventor of TURBOKICK! She is also a motivational speaker, which is right up my alley. I fell in love with her, lol. Okay not literally, but I have learned SO much from her about fitness, productivity, positivity, motivation.....etc. I ordered her newest workout video
Turbofire and with the help of that, the gym and weight watchers I have lost 19 lbs.
So, with all that babbling and background information, my point is, since I am in better shape now, I have decided to go for the Turbokick instructor training. I have been practicing in classes at 24 hour fitness and at home with Turbofire and I am pretty confident I can do it. The only thing that is making me nervous is that I have no idea what to expect. It is an 8 hour training so I hope I have enough stamina. Any encouraging words would be helpful from you. Here is a video of what I will be doing if I make the cut....