I wanted to post this on Facebook but I just have too many thoughts to share. I want to share my breakfast with you. Which I do often if you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or instagram, but I would like to talk a little bit about the choices I make and why.
Okay, so it's Saturday today and I normally cook a big breakfast because it is the only day of the week that my husband & I get to eat breakfast together. But today we are having a barbecue with some leaders from our youth group and I want to save my points. This meal is 4 points plus and 260 calories. Oh, by points I mean Weight Watcher points. I have been successful on the program and am currently in maintenance mode for 2 more weeks. FYI, this can benefit from anyone (not just weight watcher members).
Okay, enough babbling.
The first thing I want to share has nothing to do with the food I chose. It's about saving points or calories or whatever until later. I want you to know that is NEVER a good idea to eat NOTHING because you are going to eat a lot later. I used to do that in my younger days (yes I said younger) and it only hurts your body. It is good to be conscience and plan for a bigger meal, but you must eat something. Fruit and vegetables are always a good choice and even a piece of whole wheat toast with your choice of topping.
Okay, now to the food. Is it ridiculous that I have so many thoughts about food? I think it is, but I am not going to lie, I LOVE food! So much, that I actually had to learn how to have a healthy relationship with it. Ugh! Enough with the babbling again...
Coffee cake. Not much to say about the coffee cake. This particular one is a weight watchers product you can buy at the store. It's small because...well, our portions are distorted and we are used to Starbucks sized coffee cakes which you don't even want to know how many calories are in those. None the less it was tasty and fast enough for me to find the points plus value right on the box. I prefer to stay away from processed foods now,(that's a whole-nother blog) however I am learning that it is a big process to get rid of them. I am doing it slowly, one item at a time.
Banana. No brainer. On the weight watchers program all fruits & most vegetables are free and you are supposed to get 5 servings a day. I would have to say that is the biggest change weight watchers brought into my life. I eat more fruits and vegetables than I ever have in my life! So, I eat a fruit with EVERY breakfast. It's healthy and it helps me get more full and stay full longer.
Coffee. Eh, what can I say about the coffee? It's a part of my everyday life. Now, I am talking about black coffee. Black coffee is zero points. But this is where people make mistakes....CREAMER. During the week I drink black coffee with 2 sweet n lows (I have slowly made the switch to Truvia) but on the weekends I splurge and use flavored creamer! Mmmm, we have so many different kinds and I look forward to Saturday mornings with my creamer...I mean, coffee with creamer. I can't stress enough how important it is to measure out your creamer. Creamer is very fatty and if you are eye balling the amount, you are most likely putting too much in, and then tracking it incorrectly. Most creamers are 1 point for 1 tablespoon. Get the tablespoon out and measure it! And do this with everything! You are never going to be good enough to be your own measuring cup. I will post later about why I feel so strongly about this.
So, hmmmm, I'm not quite sure how to end this. It's actually kind of awkward now that I am looking at this long blog about a banana, coffee and cake. But I hope it benefited just one person. And if it did, then I am happy. And if it didn't, then I am still happy because I am writing about something I love...food :)