Barry's 26th birthday is coming up next week and we have planned a trip to Southern California to celebrate. I have some surprises up my sleeve that I can't wait for. We are leaving Vegas Thursday morning, checking in our hotel room then going to Downtown Disney to browse and eat dinner.
Then it's off to Disneyland on Friday! We did the "Give a day, get a disney day" program and got two FREE tickets!
Captain EO is going to be open after years! And Barry's never seen it. We have a blast when we take trips together. Here are some pictures of the last time we visited "The Happiest Place on Earth"
Then on Saturday, we can't WAIT to go see "Alice In Wonderland!"
If you haven't seen the previews, here's a trailer:
So excited for that! I love Tim Burton & Alice in Wonderland is my 2nd fav Disney movie! We are going to have a blast next week! I'll post pix when we get back!