My weight loss journey is going great! Since February of 2011 I have lost 26 lbs! 19 of those have been thanks to Weight Watchers. A few weeks ago I officially lost 10% of my body weight (which is the first goal they give you). And since I hit that, I am officially in the "normal" range for my BMI. So, now I have to figure out what I would like my goal weight to be, which I'm having a hard time trying to figure out. Honestly, weight wise, I feel great. But I would like to concentrate on my fitness more so I can gain some muscle and get rid of my "fat" on those problem areas. You know what I mean...that pudgy stomach, arm & back fat. After talking to my leader when I hit my 10% goal, I decided to lose 5 more lbs. I am about 2 lbs away from that goal. Once I reach that, I will go through a "maintenance" phase where weight watchers will give me more points that I can eat in a day and I will have to maintain my weight for 6 weeks. That means weighing in for 6 straight weeks without gaining or losing more than 2 lbs. After the 6 weeks, I become a LIFETIME MEMBER! That means I can continue to go to the meetings without paying! If you know me, you know that's a huge motivating factor! Anything to save money :)
I started weight watchers May 27 and to date I have lost 19 lbs. I have learned so much about myself and the nutrition in my life. I can't thank weight watchers enough. I am finally at my PRE-wedding weight! I hope once I meet my weight loss goal I can pay it forward and inspire others to get fit and healthier.
Okay, so now that you have followed me this far and read this much, are you ready to hear my stats???
This is obviously a picture of me at my wedding:
Weight: 140 lbs

And this is a picture of me 6 months after our wedding:
Weight: 165ish
And here we are a few weeks ago:
Weight: 142 lbs

Today, I am 138.8 lbs and my weight watchers goal is 137. Almost there! I hope to reach it by the end of next week. I hope this inspired you and let me know if there is anyway I can help you on your weight loss challenge.
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