Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge

Alright peeps, this is my first post of my weight loss challenge. Tomorrow at my work we are starting a weight loss challenge and I am joining about 7 others in a journey to lose weight!

Here are the guidelines:
*The challenge will last 2 months
*First we will all weigh in
*We all add $10 to "the pot"
*Every other Tuesday we will weigh in and for every pound we lost we will add that amount off money to "the pot". For example, if I lose 3 lbs., I add $3.00.
*At the end of the challenge I will...I mean the winner will get the whole pot of money :)

I am SUPER excited about this. I have been wanting to lose weight for a while now and I always say I am going to but haven't quite gotten the motivation. So here it is! If you know me, nothing motivates me more than money or winning something for FREE :)

This blog is going to be quite vulnerable for me since I will be putting out there into "internet world" my statistics. But hopefully it will help keep me accountable to reaching my goal. My goal being to lose 10 pounds the first month and 10 pounds the second month. It sure is going to take a lot of hard work but I am determined.

I am thinking of starting a work-out video, which one do you think I should do? Insanity or TurboFire? Please vote to your RIGHT. Thank you.